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Автор Тема: ULARI Ultimate Linux Amateur Radio Interface від розробника Microsat  (Прочитано 3806 раз)

0 Користувачів і 1 Гість дивляться цю тему.

Offline koval

ULARI stands for “Ultimate Linux Amateur Radio Interface” and it is intended to be a set of devices which utilize Linux-enabled microprocessor modules to serve in the field of amateur radio and related use.

During several years of device development at my Microsat company I realised that the weakest part of my products was a closed-source software. Writing every part of code by yourself and from the scratch, is complicated and very time-consuming. Also managing the source code and working on firmware updates are much harder now when I have two children consuming most of my CPU time, while my mind is still single-core :).

And on the other hand with Linux-based Open Source software we can do a lot of things by using and sharing work with others. With some operating system knowledge we can make use of many external devices like 3G/LTE modems, different USB dongles, and hardware and software interfaces of any kind. Possibilities are endless with a lot of work already done by Open Source enthusiasts and one single-board-computer can be used for many different tasks with only a software modification.

Шкатулка з вбудованим RF модулем і Лінуксом на борту.


Offline UT3BW


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Що  з нею робити?

Offline sirrosh

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Цитата: "UT3XA" post=26420
Що  з нею робити?

Наверное, что-то очень интересное  *WINK*
AFAIK, это по факту Linux SoC, у которой к звуковой карте намертво припаян трансивер, а передача включается ногой GPIO.
APRS, EchoLink... на этом мысль обрывается.